We all need rest days. Tuesday is my scheduled rest day and I very much look forward to it every week. Today I did absolutely nothing and it was everything I thought it could be. I have noticed one thing about myself since I have started training. My hunger is sky high recently. Especially in the mornings. I am hungry. But that's expected I suppose. Really, I don't have much to say about my training today because it was an off day. But I must digress for a second.
Growing up in the 80's I was a huge pro wrestling fan. Hulk Hogan, Roddy Piper, Macho Man, Andre the Giant, Ric Flair, Rock & Roll Express, The Four Horsemen, I loved them all. Then the 90's rolled around and I stopped watching it for a while. Then Stone Cold Steve Austin hit the scene like a ton of bricks. Along with him was The Rock. These guys were the best things to happen to wrestling since Hulk Hogan (pre reality show Hulk Hogan). I came back to watch wrestling in the late 90's because these guys were extremely entertaining and because I am a big giant nerd deep down inside. Then the WWE started getting a little too soft core porn, I had kids, and just stopped watching. The Rock and Stone Cold left to do movies, albeit bad ones.
I haven't really paid much attention to it in recent years mostly because I have attempted to grow up and show some signs of maturity. But last night I was transported back 12 years to a time where I loved watching it. The Rock showed up on Monday Night Raw last night and brought the house down. I don't even have cable to watch it but it was on numerous websites today and I watched it, several times. It was absolutely the best wrestling moment in years and made me a nerd again. Sorry Kate.
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