I used to be an athlete. Well, at least I think I used to be. I grew up playing baseball, football, and running track throughout all of my schooling years. I also played a little golf, tennis, kickball, ghosts in the graveyard, and tag when time would permit. That's just what I did as a kid growing up. My parents gave me no choice. I thank them for that. Because of that, I have a lifelong love of physical activity. I'm a 35 year old child that still loves a game of pickup basketball, golfing with my buddies, running the occasional race, and maybe even a game of tag. I have dedicated my life to physical activity, fitness, wellness, and an overall healthy lifestyle. I have obtained an MS in Exercise Physiology and I earned my Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist from the NSCA. I have used this education to help others become healthy, fit, and reach physical goals they never thought were possible.
The purpose of this blog is to showcase my love of physical fitness. I vow to never stop being the athlete I once was, or at least thought I was. So at the age of 35 I have decided to participate in athletic events I never thought I would. Whether it's a marathon, mud run, duathlon, triathlon, CrossFit competitions, MMA, handball, cricket, ski-ball, whatever. I am going to spend the next few years showing that you are never too old to do new activities. Also, I'm a little bored now that I have my master's degree so I need something to train for. This blog will chronicle the events I am training for, what I am doing to get ready, my training schedule, my nutrition, setbacks, injuries, family support, and whatever else comes with training. Hopefully I can keep you interested, make you laugh, and possibly even motivate you to participate in something new yourself.
Please feel free to ask me any question regarding my training that you might have. And I welcome any input you might have also. While I have dedicated my life to physical fitness, I do not know everything. In fact, I have so much more to learn and I am amazed at the knowledge I pick up from people like Eric Cressey, Mike Robertson, Teena Murray, Robb Wolf just to name a few. So please interact with me. I love learning and love seeing what you might be doing in your own training.
All that being said, I am currently training for the Derby Marathon in Louisville, KY on April 30. I have never run a marathon (why would anyone purposely run 26.2 miles?) but have always wondered what it would be like to complete one. I have participated in 2 half marathons and finished both under 2 hours. Not to shabby for a sprinter in high school who thought anything over 200 meters would make my legs fall off. I am 2 weeks into my training and feel I am about 2 weeks behind, so I'm kind of behind the 8-ball on this one. But with smart, proper, effective training, I think I'll be able to finish this beast without walking. I don't have a time goal, I just want to finish. So check back in tomorrow and I'll let you know how my training is going and what ideas I have for what I need to do.
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